Kits & Patterns
Showstopper Shawl
On 12/10/2019 a major correction to the pattern was released, which changes to the number of rows in Part 2. A new PDF was issued.
One + One: Wraps, Cowls and Capelets
Quilted Cowl (pg. 63): Under “materials and tools” should be Artyarns Beaded Ensemble and Sequins in color #247 (not #205)
Wrapped Scarf (pg. 108): Should be Row 2 (RS): kfb, yo, k to last st, yo, k1-3 sts increased (instead of Kfb, yo, k8, yo, k1-3 sts increased)
Wrapped Scarf (pg. 108): Halfway down the page, the 2nd “Next Row” should be Next Row (RS): Kfb, yo, k to last st, yo, k1-3 sts (instead of Kfb, yo, k8, yo, k1-3)
About the Designers (pg. 123): Missing designer Laurie Kimmelstein’s bio, as follows. Laurie Kimmelstiel is a knitter, weaver, and designer, and founder of the Ethelridge Road Knitting Salon. She is a contributor to various knitting publications and coauthor of Exquisite Little Knits.Her designs can be found on Ravelry under Laurie Kimmelstiel. She chronicles her knitting life at and her website is
One + One: Hats
Lace Beret (pg. 34): Row 9 should be k2, yo, yo, k2 (6 sts) which gives you enough sts for row 11. There should be a note on row 55 that reads: note on round 54, knit up to last stitch of round, slip stitch, remove marker, place slipped stitch back on left needle, replace marker. Round 55 begins with this stitch.
One + One: Scarves, Shawls & Shrugs
Crown Royale Crescent: Pattern is missing the following words: pick up 117 sts along straight edge of border and purl back.
Diamond Lace Wrap: Left Diamond: K5 (end of row). Using knitted cast on, cast on 4 sts…. continues as written.
Diamond Spiral: Page 50 End of Round 1: Slip last 5 sts from right to left needle. End of Round 2: Slip last 5 sts from right to left needle.
Reverse Chevron Cowl: The book says Yarn A is Beaded Silk & Sequins Light. It should read Artyarns Beaded Silk Light (100% silk with glass beads): 1.8 oz/50 g = 160 yd/146m): (A), 1 skein, color black with black beads #246M—approx 160yd/146m of lightweight yarn
Romantic Jabot Collar: CO 35 (not 25)
Triangle Pattern, Increase–worked over 7 sts (not 5 sts)
Triangle Pattern, Decrease–worked over 7 sts (not 5 sts)
Lace pattern (worked over 35 sts)
Row 1: K1, (yo, s2kp, yo, k2) 6 times –instead of 4 times
All other instructions remain the same.
Smart Shawl: Size 11 needles missing from book.
The pattern should call for:
U.S. Size 8 needles
U.S. Size 10 needles
U.S. Size 11 needles
16” or 24” U.S. Size 8 or smaller circular needle
Also – Row 7 should read: Sl 1, k1, yo, k3…..etc.
Stepping Stones Shawl: Correction to Page 80: Replace Last line of Diamond (worked over 26 sts) with the following:
SL1, k10, k1f&b, k11, ssk, turn; sl1, k11, k1f&b, k11, ssk, turn;
K12, k1f&b, k11, k2tog
Waves Stole:
Cast on 56 sts, accounts for 2 selvedge stitches (one in the beginning and one in the end) that are not mentioned in the instructions.
Add to note: Work this pattern with a knit stitch at the beginning and end of each row.
Row 1, after rep from * 1 time; work Wave Pattern, (k1, picking up wrap, p1) twice, (k1, p1) 1 time
Row 1, after rep from * 1 time; (k1, p1) 8 times, wrap and turn,work Wave Pattern, (k1, picking up wrap, p1) twice, (k1, p1) 1 time
Line 10 of Row 9 should read wrap, p1]twice, k1, p1 10 times, turn; INSTEAD of k1, p1 8 times.
Modular Knits
Patchwork Eyeglass Case, p. 23
replace Square 3 with the following: k5, turn *k1inc1, k3, skp, turn; s1, k4, turn (1,2,3,4,5 sts left unknitted); rep from * 5 times, do not turn. (eliminate the last k5)
Basketweave Pillow, p. 25
Step 2, Square 1: last line should read “End with k1inc1, k6, skp, do not turn.” (omit “turn; s1, k7″)
Shapes to Learn, Top of p. 30
First Equilateral Ending Triangle
Row 4: S1, pass 2nd st on right needle over 1st, skp, pass 2nd st on right needle over 1st, k1, pass 2nd st on right needle over 1st–1 st remains on right needle, 10 sts remain on left needle.
Second Equilateral Ending Triangle (exactly the same)
Row 4: S1, pass 2nd st on right needle over 1st, skp, pass 2nd st on right needle over 1st, k1, pass 2nd st on right needle over 1st. Fasten off last st.
Multidirectional Scarf, p. 33, step 4, second line
Repeat instructions for Step 2, substituting A for B. When A is used, however, last row should end as follows: With A, k1inc1, k to marker, rm, skp, turn; k to end. Slide all sts to other side of needle and start knitting with B. Do not cut A.
Starburst Shawl, p. 37, replace Step 4 with the following
Row 1: K1inc1, yo, (k1,yo)6 times, *k2tog, yo, (k1,yo)6 times, k1inc1, yo, (k1,yo)7 times; rep from * to last 9 sts, k2tog, yo, (k1,yo)6 times, k1.
Row 2: K1inc1, k6, *k2tog, k6, k1inc1, k7; rep from * to last 9 sts, k2tog, k7–80 stitches
Step 5, Diamond 1: Repeat row 1 six more times. Then end with K1inc1, k6, skp, do not turn.
Round 5 should read: K1, incl; repeat from * to end of round–72 sts. (remove the p1)
Felted Geometric Tote, p. 40, Step 3
Add to beginning of step 3: K8. This puts you in the correct location to start knitting the next row of diamonds.
Flat-Top Hat, p. 43, middle of center column, Row 3
Replace “Pm2, s1, k to marker1… ” with “S1, pm2, k to marker1…” (Change the position of where you placed marker 2 so it is after S1.)
Zigzag Scarf, p. 46, Step 3
Repeat row 1 until there are 9 sts left, ending with k1inc1, k to marker, rm, skp, pm, do not turn, k9, turn. (Make sure to place the marker back after you have completed the skp.)
Elegant Table Runner, p. 54, step 2
Row 4: S1, (yo, k1) 5 times, k1inc1, (yo, k1) 7 times, turn; dropping all YO’s when you come to them, s1 k6, k1inc1, k8, turn.
Row 7: S1, (yo, k1) 11 times, k1inc1, (yo, k1) 13 times, turn; dropping all YO’s when you come to them, s1, k12, k1inc1, k14, turn.
Row 11: S1, (yo, k1) 19 times, k1inc1, (yo, k1) 21 times, turn; dropping all YO’s when you come to them, s1, k20, k1inc1, k22, turn.
Lace Ribbon Poncho, p. 58
Under Step 2, 2nd paragraph should read: Following the order in the diagram on Page 58 (instead of Page 59)
Page 59, 1st column, Row 4 should read: S1, pm, k1, k1inc1, pm, k1, p1 (original is missing k1)
Page 59, 2nd to last column, should read “Rep rows 7 to 14″ (instead of rows 5 to 14)
Building Blocks Shawl, p. 61, center column
End as follows:
Next Row: WIth A, s1, k18, k1inc1, k19, turn; k to end. (add k to end)
Next Row: With A and B together, bind off 20 sts, k to end–total 20 sts left (change from k20 to k to end, and change total 21 sts left to total 20 sts left)
Holes Scarf, p. 71, Step 1 Row 5
K1inc1, k1, then pass the stitch just increased over the k1 and off the needle as to bind off. Bind off the next 8 stitches. Transfer last bound off st back to the left needle.
Chevron Tie, p. 64, Step 1
Row 3, last line: k4, k1inc1, k6, turn–13sts (“turn” needs to be added)
Bull’s Eye Hat, p. 74, Step 4
Row 6: S1, pm1, k to marker2, rm2, k1, turn (change the position of where you placed marker 1 so it is after the first S1)
Pinwheel Purse, p. 86, Step 1, 3rd column, Triangles 2-5
Starting at bottom point of previously completed triangle, pick up 25 sts along one side of the triangle (change “top” to “bottom”)
Hidden Square Pillow, p. 94, 3rd column, Row 23
S1, with B, k1, with A, p1. Cut A. (remove the extra k1 after “with A”).
Diamond Blossom Scarf, p. 99, middle of center column, Step 2
Replace “Repeat rows 6 and 7, then row 6 once more” with “Continue to repeat rows 6 and 7 and end with row 6 when you have 8 unworked stitches on the other side of marker 2.”
Cozy Diamond Wrap, p. 120, 3rd column, Step 6
Replace Step 6 with the following: Diagonal Diamond: *K1inc1, k6, skp, turn; s1, k7, tun; repeat from * a total of 7 times. K1inc1, k6, skp, do not turn. Make a total of 13 diagonal diamonds. After the last diamond is complete, k9.
Square Holes Sweater, p. 78-79
Page 78, Step 5, 2nd column: 3rd paragraph:
Repeat 5 more times (instead of three more times).
Page 78, Step 1, 3rd Column, 3rd paragraph:
Repeat three more times (instead of two more times).
Page 79, Step 2, 1st column: 2nd paragraph:
Repeat square pattern three more times (instead of two more times).
Reversible Knits
Page 65, Sorbet Shawl. Left column: Right-Leaning Reverse Stockinette, Row 2: K4, p2 (instead of P2, k4 as written) Left-Leaning Reverse Stockinette, Row 2: P2, k4 (instead of K4, p2 as written)
Page 79, Freestyle Wrapping. Row 4: With B, k1, (sl 2f, k1, sl 2f), *k3, (sl 2f, k1, sl 2f); repeat from * to last st, k1. (changed to k1 instead of p1 in the repeated section)
Page 96, Bauhaus Lights Scarf. Column 3, Instructions: Work rows 1-6 of Tweed and Solid Pattern 3 times (instead of 10 times throughout), ending with Row 1 {both yarns together facing Solid side}
Lacy Little Knits
Gwenivere’s Choice Tunic, p.69
Project is knitted in Ultramerino 8 color #222, (not #201 as specified in the book).
Chevron Ruana, p.97, 2nd Column
The end of Row 1 should read: “and drawing both loops through stitch.” Please omit “before for these sts).”
Long Stitch Wrap, p. 102, 1st Column
Row 1: k1, inc1, p1 – 4sts (instead of k1inc1,k1 as erroneously printed)
Celestial Tie Wrap, p.138
Experience level is advanced
Exquisite Little Knits
Scalloped Aegean Scarf, p. 55
Row 1: K3 AB, *(k1 A, p1 B) 3 times, (with AB, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, skp) 1 time; rep from * to last 9 sts, (k1A, p1B) 3 times, k3 AB–45 sts.
Row 2: K3 AB, *(k1 B, p1 A) 3 times, p5 AB; rep from * to last 9 st, (k1B, p1A) 3 times, k3 AB–45 sts.
Ribbon-Wrapped Scarf or Shawl, p. 100
Column 2: With A, CO 12 sts for scarf (34 sts for shawl).
The change is from 11 CO sts to 12 and from 33 CO sts to 34.
Row Ending: Since each row ends with a knit stitch, carry the ribbon to the front as you usually would before a knit stitch, and then let the ribbon drop. When you turn and purl the first stitch in the next row, the yarn will be automatically positioned in the back. Bring the ribbon in front of thenext (knit) stitch as specified in the pattern.